Special Info

Service Name Micro-TESE for Infertility


Microscopic or Microdissection Testicular Sperm Extraction (micro TESE) is a surgical procedure performed in the operating room under general anesthesia to retrieve sperm for IVF/ICSI by using operative microscope. Microdissection TESE can improve sperm retrieval for men with non-obstructive azoospermia over those achieved previously with standard testis biopsy techniques.

The main difference between TESE and microdiccestion-TESE is that the micro-TESE process is performed by using the microscope. The urologist may distinguish sperm production more easily in the centers called tubules by magnification under the microscope. In this way, both the chance of finding sperm will be increased and the damage to the remaining testicle tissue will be minimized.

The testis is cut to obtain a tissue sample. It is a short-term procedure and generally does not require hospitalisation after the procedure. Patients are treated as an outpatient.


Abdulmecit Yavuz

Op. Dr Urology

City: Hatay
Price: 1,500.00 €